Friday, March 22, 2013

Kept by Whatchatalkingabout Molly

I would like you to meet Molly. Her real name is Malvika but likes to call herself by different names almost every single day. She loves to dance to bollywood songs, has her own version of the boob and pelvic thrust  has a strange obsession with cats, laughs out loud for no reason at all, has a mole above her lip that she calls Moley (like Molly but not) and can can talk about anything under the sun. For hours. When she isn't being Molly she works in fashion. She just got done with Fashion week and now that she can finally breathe again, I've asked her to write for me as often as she can. I'm sure you'll find her views and opinions very interesting. Or totally whack. Either way I'm sure you'll love her.


Women should be kept!? Should they? Should we be prim and proper all the time? Not all the time, but at least sometimes. It's hard being a girl. It is! Especially for those of us who work like dogs and have to make the time to go waxing, threading, wear dresses, look pretty. I mean c'mon sister, this package aint 100% natural! There's a lot of hard work that goes into looking like this. SNAP.

I agree, if not all the time, you can mask it with clothes and at least make an effort to look decent when at work. After office hours, the clothes come off.....and oops......SHIT! hairy legs....what if I sleep with him and he'll be like, eeeeeeeeu, puss in the boots kinda situation going on. But I really don't get how some women, just don't care.

Lately, my biggest concern is dealing with women who just have BAD BAD BADDDDD ass B.O. Men stink,women when a man is all Mr. stinkystinkerson its ok? HELL NO. I mean, BO. Do people not realize they stink? What's even worse is, when you're talking to someone, and you have to pretend like you're all into the conversation, when really, their B.O. is killing you, smelly-ly. Facial expressions, never lie. NEVER.

Sigh. Is there no solution for this? Whatever happened to deodorant? Have you seen the OLD SPICE ad for men....its brilliant. Men take a cue, women, just wax those armpits and spray something of a something, cause really, its awkward for us who have pretend like we're smelling farts in thin air!

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