Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Girl Baraati

At a recent wedding, Bhavana Singh ( the Hisaran who lives in NY and showers me with presents) decided that the she was going to be one of the boys. Fed up of being just another saree- wearing - matching -bag -carrying lady she decided to take matters into her own hands. Or rather into the hands of the saafa tier. 
                                           Saafa+Saree = Men wanting to take the "saafa" home.

These are a few of my (new )favourite things

My white lace dress Courtesy BFF from NY. Unbranded. 

I still haven't worn it because I don't have the right shoes.I'm thinking skinny ankle strap wedges or nude patent leather pumps. What do you think?

                                                Pink, yellow and purple. Forever New.

                                 They're so much fun. I can even wear them with them with Indian clothes.

                                                                     Pure by DKNY

     I think I finally have a favourite perfume."The fragrance's top notes soar of the pure scent of vanilla. Accords of dewdrop petal, lotus flower, and Bulgarian rose harmonize with a floral heart of jasmine, freesia and lush orchid. It finishes in a cradle of warmth: white amber, creamy sandalwood."

   Yes, that's lingerie. It's so pretty that I might just wear it on my head. No one will ever know. 

  My sister works at Victoria's Secret so I have a drawer full of underwear that is far too pretty to be worn as underwear and solely meant to help you "get your freak on" For some reason my sister decided to show my mother all the presents she had brought for her baby sister.  My mother pretended not to notice the frills, sparkles, and stick-on jewels. *awkward*

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kept by Whatchatalkingabout Molly

I would like you to meet Molly. Her real name is Malvika but likes to call herself by different names almost every single day. She loves to dance to bollywood songs, has her own version of the boob and pelvic thrust  has a strange obsession with cats, laughs out loud for no reason at all, has a mole above her lip that she calls Moley (like Molly but not) and can can talk about anything under the sun. For hours. When she isn't being Molly she works in fashion. She just got done with Fashion week and now that she can finally breathe again, I've asked her to write for me as often as she can. I'm sure you'll find her views and opinions very interesting. Or totally whack. Either way I'm sure you'll love her.


Women should be kept!? Should they? Should we be prim and proper all the time? Not all the time, but at least sometimes. It's hard being a girl. It is! Especially for those of us who work like dogs and have to make the time to go waxing, threading, wear dresses, look pretty. I mean c'mon sister, this package aint 100% natural! There's a lot of hard work that goes into looking like this. SNAP.

I agree, if not all the time, you can mask it with clothes and at least make an effort to look decent when at work. After office hours, the clothes come off.....and oops......SHIT! hairy legs....what if I sleep with him and he'll be like, eeeeeeeeu, puss in the boots kinda situation going on. But I really don't get how some women, just don't care.

Lately, my biggest concern is dealing with women who just have BAD BAD BADDDDD ass B.O. Men stink,women stink.....so when a man is all Mr. stinkystinkerson its ok? HELL NO. I mean, BO. Do people not realize they stink? What's even worse is, when you're talking to someone, and you have to pretend like you're all into the conversation, when really, their B.O. is killing you, smelly-ly. Facial expressions, never lie. NEVER.

Sigh. Is there no solution for this? Whatever happened to deodorant? Have you seen the OLD SPICE ad for men....its brilliant. Men take a cue, women, just wax those armpits and spray something of a something, cause really, its awkward for us who have pretend like we're smelling farts in thin air!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

And the award goes to..... (part 1)

I love the way my friends dress. They are uniquely original and like me, they aren't trend whores. So I've decided to dedicate a post to them once a week.. I am going to choose one 'best dressed friend' and celebrate their style. And this week I have chosen....*drum roll please*... Shiv Karan Bagga. He is definitely my most stylish friend and the best part is that he is a he! Shiv is always dressed to the nines even if he has to go for a toilet paper run. I'm pretty sure he has a pick- up- toilet- paper outfit folded under his we're- out -of -coffee outfit. 

Shiv's signature style includes a beret, rimmed glasses( he definitely does not need) and in the winter he scarves it up. So, without further ado let me introduce you to Delhi's favourite fashion extraordinaire, SK Bagga. No, you can't call him Bagginder yet.

                             That's Shiv at a wedding we recently attended. I love how  he stood out among the other men who played it safe by wearing whites, blacks and the occasional maroon. I think men should take more risks. Why should women have all the fun? 

Shiv with the ladies. The tie and jacket are formal but the beret makes it more chill and yells 'parttayy' just like Bagginder does.

That's  us on my engagement after party. He made a smooth transition from Indian to a bold printed T, jacket and his beret in less than half an hour. Oh, and this is our signature pose. We've somewhat mastered it.

                          This is Sparta! ? He can totes give Gerard Butler a run for his money.  

Thick is the new thin

As a teenager I had hairy caterpillar eyebrows. I couldn’t wait to start threading (I wasn’t allowed till I was 14 or 15) so I could finally have arched, thin eyebrows. But now 15 years later, I hate threading my eyebrows. I want them to look thick and dark the way they did when I was a child. So I always tell my threading lady to simply “clean” my eyebrows which means to only remove  hair located below and above the hairline. If you don’t specify the shape you want then they pluck and arch and snip until your eyebrows are anorexic thin. My sister who had beautifully shaped eyebrows was recently a victim of a sadistic thread happy lady. One eyebrow was spared while the other might need Rogaine. Or a weave.
I think thin eyebrows make you older. I met a 16 year old with perfectly arched ones and I thought she looked at least 21. The thin shape also makes you look like you have something shoved up your fanny. You look unapproachable and cold. Thick brows on the other hand, help highlight your eyes and just add to your sex appeal. And girls, whether most of you agree or not, men love natural versions of us. So even they prefer natural shapes. If you think they don’t notice, they do. They’re not quick to comment like most women but they notice eveeeryyything.
If you’re born with naturally thin brows, then don’t fret. There are lots of ways to darken them. I love using mascara. Preferably water proof mascara.  I just dab off the excess from the brush and then apply a few upward strokes to my brows. It shapes and darkens them and when the mascara dries, they might become a little stiff which is a good thing because the hair stays in place.

                                                  Super Sexy Frida Kahlo Inspired Brows.

                                                            She could definitely go thicker.

          This is my beautiful cousin Shaheen. I think she has the prettiest, darkest eyebrows I've seen. Even though she is a human tweezer (she can actually tweeze with her index finger and thumb) she manages to spare her eyebrows.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hairy Tales

If I'm having a bad hair day, no amount of make up or jeans that make my ass look nice can salvage the situation. I just don't feel pretty when my hair looks ugly. Period. I don't have the patience to flat iron or blow dry my hair everyday, so I usually leave fate to determine my hair day. I'm usually lucky because even though my hair isn't soft and shiny, it falls in soft waves. I have a trick that helps style my rough locks and it's called the-tie-it-in-scrunchy-while-it's wet. 
                         This is how it turns out  when fate is on my side.
       That's me on the right with my besties from school. You can't tell here, but they have     ridiculously healthy hair.

                              I hate poker straight hair. I'm all for crazy waves and lots of volume.

                                     I would love my hair to look like this on any given day. 

 I have spent thousands on expensive shampoos my gay hairdresser promised would “totally transform your hair” and I have used hair masks and indulged in hair spas. Nothing has worked for my hair in the past and it remains dry. But then Tresemme came into my life. It has worked wonders for my long and not so lovely locks. It leaves my hair feeling soft and light and it falls perfectly with just the right amount of bounce.

I usually just leave my hair open (the way it is in the picture) but when I feel like spending extra energy into looking pretty I’m all about the side braid or the fish tail. I thought it was really hard to do but after watching a couple of youtube videos, I can braid my hair without even looking in the mirror.  It’s actually really simple and when done right, it looks extremely feminine and sexy.

           I'm going to leave with you this video and I hope you're having a really good hair day. Like fabulous good.
                              So...HAIR you go. (Thanks Malvika K Singh aka Molly aka Mollywood)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Bigger The Better

I’m talking about bags of course. Get your mind out of the gutter.
I love myself a big, big bag. Like most girls, I carry everything in my bag. Besides the obvious wallet, keys and phone, I carry my entire makeup kit, hand sanitizer, hand cream, phone charger, a pen, face wipes, breath mint, sunglasses, lens solution and sometimes even underwear. Of course I have my party bags which are much smaller and harder to clutch yet they  insist on being called a clutch. But  if I can get away with it, I sneak my larger than life bag into a party and ignore stares from eyes framed by perfectly curled lashes.

Here is the bag I am carrying right now. It’s dark blue with gold on the handle. It was an engagement present from my future sister-in-law.  It's from Bombay but the best part about it is that it has no name, no brand, no nothing. So I think I’ll  name it Bloo. Duh… because it’s blue, get it? 

OK, so this one isn't big but it's a present from my BFF who lives in NY and I love it very muchly. She found it in  H & M  and bought it because she thought it "looked like me." I guess that means I'm all bright and happy looking. I'm not complaining.

I love how the neon ( pink... orange ,... I can't decide) brightens up and adds a funky touch to every thing I wear . According to me, bags should never match your outfit. Like never ever ever.

Pout-y mouth

Amongst the Indian divas,  I think Sonam K is hands down the-ee most stylish of them all. I love when she does the whole vintage thing but I adore her boho-chic- flower- child look even more.

Vintage Versus Boho

Which look do you prefer??

I would love to try her vintage look but when I tried the whole matte red-lips sitch, I looked more trannylicious and less like a sex goodess.

See for yourself. (that's me on the left)

That doesn’t stop me from rocking Mac’s Russian Red from time to time. But since my pout isn’t quite a pout, I think glossy pinks and lighter shades look better on me. I am absolutely in love with Chatterbox from Mac. I literally want to kiss my own lips every time I wear it. *smooch*

This seems to be a really popular colour with Delhi girls. EVERY Mac store I went to was out of-stock of this deelish shade last month. So my sister bought me one from NY. .. just in time for my engagement party. But I'll save that story for another post.

Unfashionably me

 I’m not the trend following designer loving kinda girl. But that doesn't mean I don’t love clothes. Or don't trade in comfort for a tremendously uncomfortable dress just so I can have my fifteen minutes of fame at a party or pretentious social gathering. But I’m just not educated about brands and most designers. Maybe it’s because I’ve never been able to afford them. Or maybe because I'm just too cool for school. um.. fashion in this case. I'd like to stick with the later. 

I’d like to give you a little insight into the kind of fashion I like but don’t necessarily follow. I guess I am a little scared when it comes to experimenting. I’m tall and because of that I have friends (and a mom) who thinks I can carry off “absolutely everything” but I don’t always agree.

But this is how I would like to dress more often.

                                         I absolutely adore the Olsen twins granny-chic look.
                                      It just looks like so much fun and so easy and hassle free.

         I guess you could call this Homeless Chic. It's easier to dress like a hobo in Noo Yawk.          
                 I'm definitely going to get myself a fedora except my head has a bit of an unusual shape.

     I also love Nicole Ritchie. Not the old Nicole Ritchie. But the new and improved version.

She has a vibe similar to the Olsen twins and I think she’s just so effing cool. Look how she makes a simple white tee and denim shorts look off the hook hot.

There's just something so sexy about a white T-shirt or ganji. I'm going to stock up on lots of white this summer....That reminds me, I need to make a trip to Sarojini for my summer shopping .I'll let you know how that goes. 

I have this overpowering urge to sign off with an xoxo. Aahh whatevs... until next time, xoxo!!!